Free Download or Individual Easy English ™ Platinum Software for Windows PC. This is interactive learning software that teaches English Quickly and Easily. Thanks to progressive learning lessons, speech recognition technology and learning involvement, you will have everything you need to swim smoothly in English.
Easy English ™ Platinum
The Dynamic Language Learning System Facilitates Rapid and Effective Proficiency in English. IT Offers Many Functions That Exceed Conventional Language Learning Programs That Ensure Holistic and Enging Learning Experience.
Substant to the pronunciation workshops
Improve your accent through complex 3D phonetic patterns, simulating precise lips, lip and tongue to obtain an exact position. Advanced Speech Analysis Compares Your Voice With A Native Speaker in Order To Obtain Perfection of the Accent.
Simulated Conversations
Get Involved in realistic conversations, Enabling Practical Use of Language Skills in Everyday Scenarios, Strengthening Proficiency.
Interactive Dictionaries
Access to an Interactive Dictionary to Bolster, Comprehensive Delivery, AS well as Program and Development. Context.
Games to Strengthen Your Skills
Interactive and Enging Games Such as Go Fish, Hangman and Crossbowers of Fortyfa Language Skills Language Skills While Learning Pleasant.
Cultural films
Browse the Tapestry of English speaking Cultures by Count Videos in a Documentary Style. Browse Traditions, History and Vivid Images When Learning the Language.
Testing Before Assessing
Rate the Level of Proficiency to Adapt the Learning Plan That Meets Your Requirements.
Adjustable Plans
Adaptation of Learning Plans to Adapt to Your Pace and Objects, Ensuring Adapted Educational Experience. Courses
Access to access courses adapted to specific topics, Refining Language Skills Related to Your Interest.
Speech Analysis with Voice Recording and Playback
Save and Analyze the Voice Against Native Speakers, Increasing the Accent and Liquuidity.
Tracking Progress
Monitor Your Advice Through The Learning Route, Holding the Boards, Holding the Boards, Leading, Holding The Boards, Storage and Holding and Holding and Holding and Holding and Holding and Holding.
Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4
The Software Offers Four Levels of Progressive Learning, Including Levels for Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced. Each Level Includes Comprehensive Lessons, Vocabulary Exercises and Interactive Games for Well -Rounded Learning Sensations.
Versatile Learning Modes
The software sacrifices Flexibility in Learning Modes:
- Learn Anywhere: Enjoy Learning through DVD OPTIONS and MP3 Optionsdies, Enabling.
- Development of Conversation Skills: Build Fundamental Vocabulary and Confidence in Conversations, Asking Questions and Interactions in Various situations.
- interactive immersion scenarios: get Involved in conversations in a real life scenario, Improving Practical Language Applications.
Processor: minimum GHZ Processor) ) 2GB (4 GB or more recommended) - Free hard disk guard In the case of speech recognition
- Other: Graphics SVGA, DVD-ROM, Windows sound card, Internet access
Easy English ™ is not just a language learning software; It is a comprehensive language journey, which is cursed by acceleration of Proficiency in English. HIS Enging Learning Tools, Adaptive Functions and Various Learning Modes Offer Beginners and Advanced Students Unparalleled Language Learning.
** Easy English Platinum 11.0.